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At Ashford Oaks coming to school every day and arriving on time is an important part of your child’s learning.  Your child should attend school every day during the term time. 

  • The school gates open at 8.40am and children need to be in their classes by 8.50am, when the registers are taken. 

  • A child is considered late if they are not seated and ready to learn by 8.50am.

  • A child arriving between 8.50am to 9.15am is marked as late before the register closes (L).

  • A child arriving after 9.15am onwards is marked as late after the register is closed (U).


Our Attendance Policy can be found here.



  • If your child is unwell and unable to come to school please make the school aware as soon as possible, either by calling the school office (01233 631259) or emailing:

  • If the school is not aware of your child’s absence you will receive a text message and your child will be marked as an unauthorised absence, until we know otherwise.

  • We follow NHS guidelines and children with sickness or/and diarrhoea must stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours).

  • We can never assume a child is unwell, please make us aware every day they are absent, with the exception of sickness and/or diarrhoea when they will be marked absent for 48 hours.


Please be aware we are unable to authorise any holiday.  If you wish to take your child out of school, please complete a Request for Absence form which can be found here or at the school office.


Parents are encouraged to make appointments out of school hours. Where this is not possible parents should request an absence pupil pass at the first possible opportunity. Parents will be asked to show the school any letters or appointment cards supporting the appointment. For an emergency appointment the school should be informed by telephone and the appointment card brought in after they return to school.  All efforts should be made to ensure that siblings attend school as normal.


  • Please note that the Kent County Council process for penalty notices (fines) has changed.

  • These can now be instigated if a child has more than 10 unauthorised absences or 10 unauthorised lates during a period of 100 possible school sessions (50 days), these do not have to be consecutive.

  • If a penalty application is actioned, it will be issued to each parent.


  • If you have any queries or concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact Mrs Betts.   

  • Mrs Betts runs an Attendance drop-in session every Wednesday at 9am, please do come along if there is anything you would like to discuss.


At Ashford Oaks we are lucky enough to be joined by Attendance Ted on the school gates and he enjoys welcoming the children into school.  We never know when he might appear, watch out for his visits! 


Make sure you have the Class DOJO App to keep track of your child’s attendance rewards! 

★★★★★5 DOJOs will be rewarded every week for those who are in school on time every day

★★★★★5 DOJOs will be rewarded to everyone in the winning classes of Punctuality Pup and Attendance Ted


  • You can now view your child’s attendance statistics on the Arbor app.

  • You can see your child’s overall attendance for the year, and their attendance for the last four weeks by clicking their name at the top of the page and scrolling to the Statistics section.

  • To view more detailed information, click the menu icon at the bottom left of your screen.  From the menu, under Attendance select either Summary or By Date

  • Select Summary to see statistics for Presents, Lates and Absences for the year to date, and for the last week.

  • Select By Date to see all the attendance marks given for the academic year, on a week-by-week basis.


Please find our Attendance Newsletters here:

TED small.png

Oak Tree Road | Ashford | Kent | TN23 4QR | 01233 631259 main enquiries or to be directed to the right person

Key Contacts

© 2016 Ashford Oaks Primary School

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